Gratitude - An Open Letter from CEO Ashley Stewart Leines on Thanksgiving
•Posted on November 28 2024

Dear Stewart community,
As I sit here on Thanksgiving day, counting my blessings, I feel the need to tell y’all that you’re right at the top of my list!
To celebrate Thanksgiving this year, my husband Erik and I decided to take our kids to visit their Poppy (Bill Stewart) in Mexico, where he has migrated for the winter. We’ve had so much fun slowing life down a bit this week… navigating bumpy dirt roads, braking for burros, goats, and bulls, donning a mask and some fins to explore underwater life, and of course surfing the uncrowded breaks. It has filled me with gratitude for both of my parents, as they have blazed the trail to incredible adventures throughout my life.
Not only has Bill been adventurous in his travels, but also in his choice of career. As an 18-year-old surfer from Florida it would have certainly been easier to stay put and take the cushy job that his dad lined up for him as a cartoonist at the local newspaper. But a predictable schedule and steady paycheck didn’t appeal to Bill so he followed his passion in search of better waves. Eventually landing in San Clemente, he put his artistic talents to a different use and worked hard to make a name for himself as an innovator in the surf industry.
Fast forward 40 years, and my husband and I are fortunate enough to jump onto the Stewart Surfboards ship, adjust the rigging, and keep her going at full speed ahead. How lucky are we!?! Of course, I joke that it was the world’s longest interview, as I had to get top grades, a college degree, and demonstrate my desire and passion for the business in order to qualify for the position. In the end, my dad and I often look at each other and go, “Thank you so much” and the other one says, “No, thank YOU so much!”. We are each so very grateful for the talents of the other and the perfect timing that we’re able to step in and allow Bill to slow things down and savor the simple joys of life without the stress of running a business.
So, what the heck does all of this have to do with you? Well, simply put, we wouldn’t be here without you! Each and every one of you, whether you’ve bought 20+ boards or simply a bar of wax or a t-shirt, has contributed to the success of this small family business of ours and we appreciate you so very much. These days it’s so dang easy to order up just about everything you could ever want from Amazon or other big box stores. We know that the choice to shop at Stewart is deliberate and maybe not as easy as clicking “Buy Now”. But I want you to know that choice makes a difference in our lives and in the local community through our support of local schools and sports programs.
I hope that you’re enjoying quality time with your family and friends today and that you’ll come see us at the shop in San Clemente sometime soon.
With Utmost Gratitude,
Ashley Stewart Leines
CEO, Stewart Surfboards