Our Premiere High Performance Longboard, the CMP was the board ridden to win four world longboarding titles (and counting!) as well as countless other contests. The round pin template flows perfectly with the foil and rocker. It has low volume rails and a single to double concave bottom that ends in a hard edged flat panel V tail. Designed to go rail to rail with the ease and speed of a shortboard, the CMP's thin and narrow shape generates a perfect flex pattern that will shoot you out of every turn. The CMP is an ideal fit for advanced-level surfers weighing 175 lbs and under.

Stewart CMP Deck

Stewart CMP Rocker

Stewart CMP Bottom

Stock Dimensions

8'6" 22 1/4" 2 5/8" 51.9
9'0" 22 5/8" 2 5/8" 51.9
9'2" 22 3/4" 2 3/4" 60.3

 CMP Video


Have questions about which board is right for you?  CALL US!  949-492-1085  Our knowledgeable board sales staff are here for you!  


CMP's In Stock:

4 products