A ripping competitive surfer from San Clemente, CA Steven’s been on the Stewart Team since age 17. He's traveled, surfed, and competed in Portugal, Spain, France, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Brazil, Bali, Subwana, South Africa, Taiwan, Hawaii, and Mexico.
He’s even surfed one of the most exclusive waves on the planet, The Qiantang tide bore known as the “Silver Dragon” in Hangzhou, China. The event was put on by Redbull and Wabsono and had 8 surfers total surfing the tidal wave for 3+ hours downriver. Talk about the experience of a lifetime!
After a decade on the team, Steven has become a standout in both national and international contests. Steven Newton has a powerful style of surfing, combining aggressive turns, fluid roundhouse cutbacks, and stylish nose riding.
Nowadays, Steven can be be found ripping his favorite spots between San Onofre and Newport, in southern Orange County. He makes rad webisodes of his longboarding adventures here and abroad, which you can find on our social media.
Favorite spot: San Onofre
Favorite Boards: RPM, CMP, S-Winger
Favorite band: Perseus
Favorite food: Tacos y margaritas
Best memory on a Stewart: Surfing the “Silver Dragon” (a tidal wave down the Qiantang River in Hangzhou, China). Most exclusive wave on the planet. Riding a wave for 3 hours down the river.
If you weren’t a pro surfer what would you want to be: Haha, I’m also an Engineer. Surfing doesn’t pay the bills.
Hero or person you look up to: Mom and Dad
Funny fact about your self: I take lotsa selfies
Gathering of the Tribes Champion - Churches
Return to the Reef Champion - Cardiff Reef
Gathering of the Tribes Champion - Churches
Guy Takayama Pro Open 3rd Place - Oceanside
Return to the Reef Champion - Cardiff Reef
Gathering of the Tribes Champion - Churches
Guy Takayama Pro Noseriding Champion - Oceanside
Guy Takayama Pro Open 3rd Place - Oceanside
Return to the Reef Champion - Cardiff Reef
Tourmaline Classic Champion - Tourmaline
Guy Takayama Pro Noseriding 4th Place - Unable to surf Final
Guy Takayama Pro Open 4th Place - Unable to surf Final
Tourmaline Classic Champion - Tourmaline
Hotdogger Pro Longboard - 2nd Place
Steel Pier Classic Pro - 3rd Place
Tourmaline Classic Champion - Tourmaline
Dale Velzy Classic Champion
C Street Classic Champion
Steel Pier Classic Pro Noseride - 3rd Place
Steel Pier Classic Pro - 4th Place
Guy Takayama Pro Noseride - 5th Place
Redbull Silver Dragon Shootout (Hangzhou - Tidal bore) 3rd Place Pro
Gathering of the Tribes Champion - Trestles
Guy Takayama Pro Noseride - 3rd Place
ASP World Longboard Tour - Hainan Island China - Ranked 13th
Fosters ASP Belmar Pro - New Jersey - 2nd Place
VANS PRO - ECSC - Virginia Beach 2012 - 4th Place
ASP World Longboard Tour - Hainan Island China - Ranked 25th
ISA World Surfing Games - Gold Medal, Team USA